520 Adjuster License Rating: 6,1/10 1091reviews

All-Lines Training provides online and classroom licensing and certification courses for Texas, Florida, and Georgia insurance agents and adjusters. How can the answer be improved?

520 Adjuster License

Best Answer: Every adjusters license is state specific because insurance is regulated by the state, not a federal program. The 520, 620 and 320 are only for use in FL. 520 - All lines Independent Adjuster's license (meaning you work for a firm or for yourself. You get paid per claim that you settle. No garauntee that you will have consistant work).

620 - All-lines company lines. You need this to work for an insurance company. 320 - All lines Public adjuster. Independent adjusters and company adjusters detest public adjusters, as they often use the system and the law to manipulate insurance for a profit. Mp3 Song You Raise Me Up Josh Groban.

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