Im wondering what the current best top ten tables to play. Canoscan Lide 200 Driver 32 Bit. On the top menu click on Visual Pinball tables, then under 'VP 9 Desktop Tables' click on VPM or VP. Top 10 tables pinball para Visual Pinball. Visual Pinball: TOP 10 TABLES TheRadik. Visual Pinball THE BEST. The #1 Community for Visual Pinball. Visual Pinball Tables Area » Visual Pinball 9., tips to improve your play and the world’s biggest and best pinball.
Definitely anything that is based on the physmod5 version (special exe) which features awesome realistic physics ( nearly as good as pro pinball). VP 10 is still beta and lots of people build tables directly for physmod. My favorite atm is the underdog 'mystery castle', but also check out one of the latest Sam releases like AC/DC.
Jurassic Park is visually very nicely done. Check out this site to get a fast start. It's way nicer structured and more relaxed atmosphere than VP forums imo. For sam tables make sure you have the latest vpinmame 2.06 from site above.
Latest vbs files are in the vp10 beta and backwards compatible. Also best to use is mjr custom physmod exe found in first link above. If you got performance issues [emoji29].
Best leave all fxaa options in VP alone and set everything via Nvidia control panel. Glad you enjoy VP a little. Abu Dhabi Residency Training Program: Full Version Software more. They are making great progress. Can't imagine what the community would do if they had a state of the art 3d engine like TPA.
Well it's good to have both. Really miss table goals in VP.
I hooked up a 2nd monitor so I can use that for dedicated pinball. Anyone know how I can get the playfield to display on my secondary? Does the playfield have to display on the primary monitor?
I have my main monitor in landscape and the 2nd in portrait, so I don't want my 2nd to be my primary. EDIT: Doing some digging: it sounds like 'Playfield monitor needs to be primary monitor 1 and it needs to be in landscape orientation (VP will not work if set to Portrait mode)'.WTF man?
R8169 Unable To Load Firmware Patch Rtl_nic/rtl8168e-2.fw here. How am I supposed to navigate windows with a vertical monitor in landscape mode?:confused: So there's no way to just have the playfield load on the secondary monitor? I would love to try some VP. But from what I see it looks so complicated to try to get a table up and running. Can anyone point me to easy to follow instructions to get some tables up and running? I appreciate any tips anyone sends my way. It's really not hard if you know your way around windows.