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View Cheryl Watkins’ professional profile on LinkedIn. Cheryl Watkins. Owner, Student Assistance Training International. Program Development.

Student Assistance Training International (SAT UK) is the world leader in Student Assistance Programme Training. For the past 30 years, SAT UK has trained school and community leaders in 50 United States and 31 other countries. SAT UK believes that one person, properly trained, can make a difference, not only in a school setting, but in an entire community. Positive changes have been observed and documented in the way adults in education react and relate to their students in every area of human interchange. Trainer- Cheryl Watkins, MA, is the Executive Director and Founder of SAT UK, a non-profit making organization dedicated to the development and training of school and community personnel. Cheryl created a national model Student Assistance Programme in the United States and was instrumental in spearheading national and state school substance abuse legislation.

Watkins also founded two National Student Assistance Programme Associations and has received many national awards for her work. Her Programme was recommended to the Welsh Assembly Government as “Good Practice” in Managing Challenging Pupil Behaviour and the United States Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration as a United States resource on Student Assistance Programmes. Purpose of the workshop: This intensive 3-day workshop is highly experiential and will teach participants: how to implement a comprehensive Student Assistance Programme in their school, organisation and community, how to identify high-risk behaviours and intervene effectively and facilitate student, parent and staff support groups on a range of topics. Who is this workshop for?

The Game Factory 2 Newgrounds Edition. Teachers, youth workers, TAs, CAMHS workers, administrators, counsellors, pastoral care, pupil support, behaviour support, school inclusion, advisory teachers, educational psychologists, school social workers, counsellors, concerned parents, youth justice, nurses and other community representatives looking for skills and strategies to support and assist young people. Avira Premium Security Suite V9 (last Version). “What has happened is proof that one person properly trained can make a difference” Cheryl Watkins – Executive Director, Student Assistance Training International.

AFFIRMATIONS ABOUT THE WORKSHOP “An outstanding workshop. The Student Assistance Training has equipped me with key knowledge and skills which I consider essential for all youth worker’s professional development, and beneficial for everyone’s personal journey.” Youth & Family Worker, So. Wales “This safe, gentle and empowering training is long overdue. This was just what I was looking for.” Social Worker, Families & Children Social Services, UK “A positive and powerful experience.