I had a bit of trouble getting nulldc to work when i was setting up gameex. How To Program A Universal Remote To A Hitachi Tv. One thing i discovered was to go into the.cfg file and edit this line. 'Emulator.AutoStart=1' make sure you set it to '1' now, unfortunately this means that nulldc might experience some crashing issues if loaded manually (independently from gameex), but it did fix nulldc running from the command line for me. Here's my command line nullDC_1.0.3_nommu.exe -config ImageReader:DefaultImage='[ROMPATH] [ROMFILE]' This worked for me, and I also had to change LoadDefaultImage=0 to LoadDefaultImage=1.
How to Play Sega Dreamcast Games on Your Computer (NullDC). Come across some references to NullDC 1.6. Runtimes also mentioned on the page and install it. Vilenkin Combinatorics Pdf Net Framework 3.5 Standalone Installer For Windows 8. there.