Installutil System.argumentexception Invalid Directory On Url Rating: 7,6/10 8293reviews

SQL Server Technical Article Writer: Chris Alton Published: August 2009 Applies to: SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 Summary: This document covers most of the errors you might encounter while installing, configuring, and using Reporting Services SharePoint integration for SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2005. Introduction Installing and configuring Microsoft® SQL Server® Reporting Services integration with SharePoint® services can be a complicated process; if the correct process is not followed, it can be easy to experience problems. Before going into this document, ensure that you have read and followed all the steps in “Configuring Reporting Services for SharePoint 3.0 Integration” in SQL Server Books Online for the version of SQL Server you are using: SQL Server 2008: SQL Server 2005: This white paper will go over the errors you can run into, their possible root causes, and their possible resolutions. There are some other issues you might run into that have already been documented in the following articles. Check them if you are unable to find your specific topic covered in this document: Troubleshooting Integration with SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft SharePoint Technologies: Troubleshooting Configuration Problems: SQL Server 2008 - SQL Server 2005 - This article is organized in a beginning to end format.

InstallUtil exception on Windows Server 2008 #4. I run InstallUtil in the directory containing the dll that's the target. Attempting download of new URL.

The article starts with the initial installation of Reporting Services and ends with deploying reports and viewing reports from your SharePoint site. Each section of the document has a section for a specific error you can encounter, the troubleshooting steps, and the resolutions for the problem. How To Change Opacity In Adobe Flash Cs6.

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