We everyone is unique,How are we segregating our needs/wants?it depends upon desires.why do we feel it?Is this a natural or a Refined thought?how are we realizing it?just cause' of being human!we all are having different colours on thoughts!Interalia,to accept our ownself (nature) is a crime?No. Its all started when we take our own empowerment to gain wt we want.Eventually it ends Like our consumed food(our lives) which cannot be rise again (with backups)!#words#AIM book#kannadasan. Customary des We everyone is unique,How are we segregating our needs/wants?it depends upon desires.why do we feel it?Is this a natural or a Refined thought?how are we realizing it?just cause' of being human!we all are having different colours on thoughts!Interalia,to accept our ownself (nature) is a crime?No. Its all started when we take our own empowerment to gain wt we want.Eventually it ends Like our consumed food(our lives) which cannot be rise again (with backups)!#words#AIM book#kannadasan. Customary desires will never get to know the new things,its all exist here and the way of getting it also doesn't change!(being in the same state we all know the way of thinking of others)we may split it into two pieces,Emotional(love) and Non-emotional(commitments) Although Accepting Emotional fact of existence may be looks simple but never be easy like as Life'#In all the way. We are living in Non-theoretical experience,we cant research before we realizing it,Just like before knowing the ingress purpose of live we are stepping towards the exit.Non-emotional desires such as Food,place,things are flexible.
We have to sense about two philosophies,preaching or any other fictional/Non fictional stories may unable to comply us,though its the ally of thinking. It attempts to help us from human being to God (immortal soul)but fortunately still it didnt sculpt a man to live with Humanism!#AIM book#kannadasan worth reading!
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