Allows you to run lodash code within the browser. My webpack.config.js is pasted below. I am trying to have d3 and _ from lodash available as globals from in all modules. D3 is working but lodash is not coming.

Lodash moduleId=underscore Notes: • The exports values “es” & “npm” may only be used in conjunction with the modularize command• The modularize command uses the first exports values as its module format, ignoring subsequent values• Unless specified by -o or --output all files created are saved to the current working directory The following options are also supported: • -c, --stdout.. Write output to standard output• -d, --development. Write only the non-minified development output• -h, --help... Display help information• -m, --source-map. Generate a source map using an optional source map URL• -o, --output.. Write output to a given path/filename• -p, --production.
Write only the minified production output• -s, --silent.. Skip status updates normally logged to the console• -V, --version.. Output current version of Lodash.
Lodash moduleId=underscore Notes: • The exports values “es” & “npm” may only be used in conjunction with the modularize command• The modularize command uses the first exports values as its module format, ignoring subsequent values• Unless specified by -o or --output all files created are saved to the current working directory The following options are also supported: • -c, --stdout.. Write output to standard output• -d, --development. Write only the non-minified development output• -h, --help...
Display help information• -m, --source-map. Generate a source map using an optional source map URL• -o, --output.. Write output to a given path/filename• -p, --production. Write only the minified production output• -s, --silent.. Skip status updates normally logged to the console• -V, --version.. Output current version of Lodash. Gts Fc-515ls Driver Windows 7.