: Category: Client Crash Issue Title: 'Steam must be running to play this game' Issue Description: Hi there! Minor problem here. I've been able to play the Don't Starve Together Beta for a long time now, until last week. I get a fatal error message saying 'Steam must be running to play this game(Steam_API_init()failed. Cbt Nuggets Ccent Rapidshare. )' I've searched numerous threads, and everyone seems to have gotten it fixed one way or another. Demidovich Solucionario Pdf there. Me on the other hand, can't fix it no matter what. I've tried Restarting steam, my computer, verifying cache, disabling background apps, the list just goes on and on. If anyone could help, I'd seriously appreciate it.
Mar 03, 2015 Bug Submission: Category: Client Crash Issue Title: 'Steam must be running to play this game' Issue Description: Hi. Bug Submission: Category: Client Crash Issue Title: 'Steam must be running to play this game' Issue Description: Hi there! Minor problem here. I've been ab. Jika kamu punya pertanyaan mengenai artikel diatas - Cara Atasi Error MotoGP 14 - Steam client must be running to play this game, silahkan berikan komentar dibawah.