Designed for students, pastors and lay people who want more detailed information and study tools. WBC's 54 Volume Edition combines current theology with traditional studies to help you gain the most of your learning experience. It comes with 68 titles, including: 54 commentaries 8 bible translations 4 language resources 1 background information 1 cross reference 45 additional titles for you to customize your electronic library You can access thousands of references for a single topic. This collection is unparalleled in content, ease of use, expandability and value. The backbone of this powerful tool is the Logos Library System (LLS) v.2.1. The LLS is fast becoming an industry standard in the preparation and delivery of religious reference material and publications.
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Designed for students, pastors and lay people who want more detailed information and study tools. WBC's 54 Volume Edition combines current theology with traditional studies to help you gain the most of your learning experience. It comes with 68 titles, including: • 54 commentaries. • 8 bible translations • 4 language resources • 1 background information • 1 cross reference • 45 additional titles for you to customize your electronic library You can access thousands of references for a single topic. Manual For Canon Ip3500 Printer. This collection is unparalleled in content, ease of use, expandability and value.