Zomaar uit het niets, begint mijn print spooler te haperen. Ik gebruik windows home 7. Ik heb een herstelpunt teruggezet waar alles wel werkte, maar dat hielp niet. Nu heb ik alle printdrivers verwijderd, de fix it geprobeerd. Maar het probleem blijft. Ik heb via de cmd geprobeerd de spoolsv te vervangen, maar dan krijg ik de melding toegang geweigerd. Ik heb hier al vele oplossingen gelezen, maar geen enkele heeft geholpen.
Ik heb gecontroleerd of de rpc is gestart en op auto staat (is goed) De print spooler kan ik starten, maar die stopt zonder dat ik een foutmelding zie. Is er iemand die een oplossing weet. Hi, What happens when you start the print spooler service?
Windows 7: Druckerspooler neu starten, kein Zugriff. Microsoft Vc Redist Package Steam here. Ich habe seit gestern ein Problem mit meinem Drucker. Als ich drucken wollte, ka. DB:4.76:Druckerspooler Windows Vista Lexmark X1190 18. Druckerwarteschlange bin ich gegangen und wenn ich 'automatisch' und dann 'starten' angebe. Oder starten – Beispiel: Print Spooler. X86 treiber drucker druckertreiber 64bit 64-bit windows 7 windows 2008 windows 2008 r2 windows vista.
Do you get any error message? Try the Fix It from “You cannot add a printer and you receive printer spooler error messages in Windows XP”Diana Microsoft Answers Support Engineer Visit ourMicrosoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think. If this post helps to resolve your issue, please click the 'Mark as Answer' or 'Helpful' button at the top of this message. By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster. Hi, Check chan vu's message here - the very top one. Fixed spooler subsystem app stopped working =================================== If the above did not help: Use this method to clear the spooler then uninstall and reinstall your printer (check with the maker for the latest driver). Check the Mr Fixits here and if you have to use the other methods go back and try them again afterwards.
Printing problems and printing errors - a Mr Fixit Troubleshoot printer problems - a Mr Fixit ------------------------------------------------------ Logon as Admin Start - type in Search box - COMMAND - find at top of list and RIGHT CLICK - RUN AS ADMIN you can copy and paste each line in exceptthe ones in bracketsand hit enter after each. Net stop Spooler (will echo Deleting all print jobs) -- you should see this returned ping localhost -n 4 nul del /q%SystemRoot% system32 spool printers *.* net start Spooler (will echo Done!) -- you should see this returned ping localhost -n 4 nul Another way Check the print cue - DELETE/STOP all jobs - then Right Click on printer - DELETE Printer If using Control Panel - Classic - Printers Try after unplugging your printer if needed. ------------------------------------------------------------- Also check the Print Spooler Service and its dependencies and their dependencies. Print Spooler Service How to Fix Windows Vista Print Spooler not Starting ------------------------------------------------------------ Check this thread if needed- stop and clear the spooler and here ------------------------------------------------------ Clean up general corruption and repair/replace any damaged/missing files.
Run DiskCleanup - Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup Start - type this in Search Box - COMMAND find at top and RIGHT CLICK - RUN AS ADMIN Enter this at the prompt - sfc /scannow How to analyze the log file entries that the Microsoft Windows Resource Checker (SFC.exe) program generates in Windows Vista cbs.log RunCheckDisk(chkdsk)at startup. How to Run Check Disk at Startup in Vista Hope this helps. Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP - Windows Desktop Experience: Bicycle - Mark Twain said it right. Hidukeofyork, 1)What is the complete error message?