PS3; PS3 Trophies and Game Saves; Killzone 2 100%. THREAD: Killzone 2 100% completed/Platinum Gamesave EU. I found a 100% platinum Killzone 2 save file that. In time line, Killzone 2 follows Killzone: Liberation, and Killzone, and appears to take place entirely on Helghan, the home-world of the Helghast who invaded an.
Waleed ude game save lock is good, why so HACKERS CAN'T HACK. The first step in hacking a game is the save data but since killzone 2 never allowed that no hackers could hack killzone 2, but if GG does it for killzone 3 we will see hackers.
It could be just as mw2 in the hacking department. I agree hackers destroy games and If killzone 3 would be hacked I would cry because one hack is the first step to ruin the whole thing and if game save lock is gone It would be horrible. Keep it one GG keep it on also how do you do the reply thing to other people's post? Smilie face was not on purpose. Locking save games is the WORST possible thing you can do, and anyone who says otherwise hasn't even given it two seconds of thought. Look at Uncharted 2. You can back your save up to a USB drive and use it in ANY PSN ID -- You can share the save with ANYONE, or use it on your own console under ANY profile.
The online multiplayer, however, is completely separate, and the character data and unlocked perks, etc. Are all stored online on Naughty Dog's servers. You can hack your save all you want, but no online cheating is possible.
Soal Psikotes Dan Jawabannya 2012 more. You get to back your saves up to continue the campaign / single player, but multiplayer can't be touched. So, please explain -- How is locking saves a GOOD thing again? Soliduss_hun wrote: Lock the save file again.
This is the only way to prevent tha hack and mods. Look what happened the cod. No save lock and the hackers are hack the game in the first day, and the leaderboard is **bleep**.
Look at the killzone 2. This is stable and hack free today. That be fine and dandy, except you have no clue what you're talking about. The mod community already has full contol over decoding locked game saves. So there's absolutely no reason to lock then anymore, as they've been compromised.
Second, COD hacks were out long before the jailbreak/hackers and they've had problems across all platforms (PC/360/Ps3). Ultimately, it was IW's horrible coding, absolutely no security checks, and lazy development that allowed it. Basically, there is a very easy way to create a mod on the PC, and upload it to the consoles, with no need for the jailbreak. Anyways, so yeah. Don't lock the **bleep** game save, as there is no reason to anymore. TyrantII wrote: Soliduss_hun wrote: Lock the save file again. This is the only way to prevent tha hack and mods.