Dec 07, 2017 QuickReport is a set of components and controls that allow reports to be designed and previewed in the Delphi and C Builder IDEs. Applications including. Quickreport website. Delphi, C++ and.Net report components. Quickreport website. Delphi, C++ and.Net report components.
Hi all: i wrote code to convert Quick report to pdf. Its working perfect except on issue. // QuickRep3.Font.Charset:=178; // QuickRep3.Font.Name:= 'Tahoma'; Quickrep3.prepare; Save_to_Pdf:= (repname+' '+Cb2.text+FormatDateTime('ddMMYYHHmm',now)+'.pdf'); QuickRep3.ExportToFilter(TQRPDFDocumentFilter.Create(Save_to_Pdf)); QuickRep3.Preview; // or Print QuickRep3. Data Lifeguard Diagnostic For Dos Iso. QRPrinter.Free; QuickRep3.QRPrinter:= nil; Select all the arabic language appear like garbage like question mark (??????? ) as shown in attached image.
I am tired to change the font quickrep but the issue is exist. You are probably going to need a software change, either a Delphi version bump or QR change. From QuickReport and Unicode Programmers working in RAD studio 6 or 7 have a default unicode string type, so code written using these IDEs can be made unicode compatible.
QR5042 has been adapted to take advantage of this and reports with unicode are supported. In earlier versions of Delphi and C++Builder, QR502 has two extra controls that support the wide character format, which can store UTF-16. The PDF functionality in Quickreport Pro does not use Unicode. We recommend developers needing this to purchase additional software from Gnostice.
That works, thanks. Now the problem is that I am printing two separate reports, that need to have the page numbers compiled together. For instance, I have two 3 page reports that I want to print back to back and have consecutive page numbers. So page 1 of report 2 would actually say 'Page 4 of 6', rather than 'page 1 of three'. Im only printing two reports back to back, no more than 2 ever, but I need the page numbers to display the total. What I have done so far is this: Report1.prepare; Report2.prepare; TotalPages:= Report1.QRPrinter.PageCoun t + Report2.QRPtinter.PageCoun t; Report1.QRLabel5:= IntToStr(TotalPages); Report2.QRLabel5:= IntTOStr(TotalPages); Now I just need help with, on the second report, getting it to say 'Page 4 of 6' on the first page instead of 'Page 1 of 6'. Thanks for your help.