Lucky Dog Bl Game English Rating: 9,0/10 3000reviews

List of Yaoi Games. (including which companies make Yaoi games in English!). Lucky Dog 1 (No game patch but translations with pictures can be found online). Lucky Dog 1 Blast. Licensed (in English) No English Publisher. Might as well add that even though it is based on a BL game.

Lucky Dog Bl Game English

Rocket Ing. I know that there are a lot of really awesome Japanese BL games (Lamento, Lucky Dog 1, etc), but I was wondering if any of you knew of any English BL/shonen-ai/yaoi games, or any translated games, as I can't read Japanese. Anything from fan-made to professional. Also, if you know where I can find any online. I know that there are a lot of really awesome Japanese BL games (Lamento, Lucky Dog 1, etc), but I was wondering if any of you knew of any English BL/shonen-ai/yaoi games, or any translated games, as I can't read Japanese. Anything from fan-made to professional.

Also, if you know where I can find any online, that's even better.:) Thanks in advance! • Tell us some more • Upload in Progress • Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels • We are experiencing some problems, please try again.

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